How many places can you be?

Just how many places can you participate in the online Internet world anyway?

I started with flickr then got into blogging with blogger and then hosting my own WordPress blog. If that’s not more that enough, I’ve started to look at Vox!  Along the way there was some lists and to-dos at backpack. Gmail has my mail, google calendar has our cottage schedule for the family and Writely and Spreadsheet are getting some of my documents.

Now Google Web Albums wants to take over from flickr and since I use Picasa they might get some traction, but I still like flickr way more.

As things tend to happen on the Internet, one thing lead to another and I stumbled upon (oh, yeah Stumble) 43 Things. That lead to 43 Places which lead to All Consuming.  That’s more that enough for me, in fact, too much stuff. I’d say less consuming is the way to go.

This Social Networking stuff is getting way out of control. Now we need something to do a meta-mashup of all this stuff so the average person can keep track of it all.

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