Happy ever after?

When we choose the new story, our storyline changes. It’s no longer just about who we are, and the moments that matter. It’s about seeking and finding Jesus in those moments—in the struggle–letting Him rewrite our past, present and future into a redemptive story of hope. 

Perhaps we are focused on the wrong parts of the story’s ending. Resolution may look like unfinished business and unreconciled relationships. It may look like continued gray scale in so many aspects of life—in our sin, in our struggle, in our suffering. Resolution may look like more uncertainty in this temporary life and more certainty about God. Resolution may look like bumps and bruises that remind us to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.

Resolution may look like daily reminders of our own weakness, when we must choose to believe that God is greatest, and He knows best because we don’t have any other options. Resolution may look like the unwritten parts of the story where our only true hope is the goodness of God and the reality of eternity.

Perhaps that’s the only happy ending we truly need.


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