Has me thinking…

Thanks to Bill over at kinnon.tv and his post on two shirts I end up reading…

A Life of Gifts | Pastoralia

I remember exactly when I first realized our fun little experiment had swerved completely out of my control: it was the day I learned someone had given away a grandmother.

which leads to reading….

About | TwoShirts.org

Our Vision

Twoshirts is a community of gift-giving where people freely give and receive all kinds of different things in our items listings, from appliances, to clothing, to help and services.

Twoshirts members have given away over 1000 items to each other since we started in January, 2008. We simply think generosity is a better way to live.

In fact, our vision is to connect the world in relationships of generosity.

which has me thinking about stuff, all the stuff we’ve accumulated and really don’t need and really can’t even figure out where to put the stuff half the time. I remember a time when Acts 2:44-45 had a big impact on me. Perhaps it’s time to do more and “give to each other”.

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