Collapse of the BowFlex SelectTech Stand

This morning I was working out using the BowFlex SelectTech weights, which by the way I’m quite happy with, when the stand collapsed. Well, perhaps collapsed is not quite the right word but as I was gently placing one of the weights back in the stand, both bolts that hold the trays to the top of the stand sheered off!

Bolt Sheer
Bolt Sheer
Originally uploaded by Big Dadoo

In looking more closely at the design you’d think they would have spec’d stronger bolts. After all each weight is 52 lbs, plus the two trays, plus the forces exerted every time you replace the weights. I’m sure that some people probably drop them in harder that I do. That’s a lot of force for some low quality bolts. For sure I’ll replace the bolts with something of a more substantial quality and strength.

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