A reminder

Made by Hand
Originally uploaded by Big Dadoo

I was cutting he grass yesterday and the lawnmower ran out of gas. No problem, I’ve got a gas can in the shed. The picture is my gas can for the lawnmower. But, it’s not your average gas can. It’s not a hunk of red plastic from Canadian Tire, made in China by a machine or some unknown person.

This gas can was made by my Grandpa Stewart. I have no idea how old it it, but it’s been around as long as I can remember. Add the parts were made by Grandpa by hand. Sheet metal rolled and formed by hand, soldered together by hand. The wood handle turned on a lathe. The knurled brass caps, turned on a metal lathe. And here it is, in my shed, still working just fine after 50+ year. I doubt that any plastic gas can will stand this test of time. Oh, it will still be around, in a land fill somewhere, because that plastic is never going away, but I’ll bet it won’t be in use.

Another thing the plastic gas can won’t do is bring back memories. Ever time I touch this gas can I remember my Dad and my Grandpa and what great men they were and what a great legacy they left me and a wonderful deposit they made in my life.

Thanks for the gas can.

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