
Line ups.

Some times they are OK, sometimes they are pain and sometimes they are frustrating when you’re running behind schedule. I had lots of time to check in at the airport and clear customs this morning. The two gate agents were working a long line 90 minutes before departure. After about 20 minutes they were joined by a coworker, and things moved along nicely. Note to self – the gate only opens 90 minutes before departure, so don’t bother showing up any earlier. The interesting thing was the

sailboat Originally uploaded by Big Dadoo.

line at Tim Hortons was almost as long as the check-in line.

The flight to Denver was uneventful and locating the connecting flight was no problem. The terminal seemed familiar from last years trip. However, they have just changed the departure gate for the third time, so I’m of to A42 and Las Vegas is the next stop.

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